Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th...Believe the hype

Do you believe in Friday the 13th?  I never did until today.

It started last night when Bob picked me up from work so we could drive together to our monthly MDA event planning meeting.  We arrived a little early and waited at the hostess podium for help.  When the hostess acknowledged us, we said we were there for the MDA event planning meeting.  We were met with a blank stare and right away we knew we were in trouble.  We listed the name of the guy in charge, the name of the event, the name of the second in charge, and all the nicknames we knew of, only to be told no one was here for any such meeting.  Of course I didn’t have anyone’s contact numbers on me so we resigned ourselves to the fact that we were alone in a sports bar on a Thursday night.  Then we did what anyone would do, we got a table and ordered some food.  It was pretty good.  Still, we wondered why we were the only ones who showed up.  Did we miss a meeting?  Did it get postponed?  Did some kind of horrible auto accident occur in where everyone but us was involved?  It just didn’t make sense.  We were also miffed because we skipped our financial freedom class to attend the monthly planning meeting.

Friday the 13th continues this morning.  I woke up late, remembered we didn’t have milk or eggs so even if I had time to make a quick breakfast, I didn’t have the stuff to do it.  So, I drove to the bagel shop.  On the way, I remembered that my library books are due.  The library books I left on the table next to our front door so I would remember to take them with me on the way to work.  The library books that were still sitting on the table next to the front door as I drove passed the library on my way to the bagel place.  I get to the bagel place and see there are no parking spaces close by.  This is weird for a Friday.  I park far away and as soon as I get out of my car, three cars leave spots right next to the door.  I walk in my bagel place and see a line.  Again, weird for Friday.  As I take my place in line, I see the bagel baskets are sorely lacking their usual ample supply of bagels.  The guy ahead of me ordered 2 bagel bunches and a regular bakers dozen, further depleting the selection. I noticed there were 3 of my favorite bagels left in the bin, but then the lady directly in front of me ordered bakers dozen and she took all three bagels left!  I looked in the bins and the only bagels left were the onion, sesame, and salt.  Arg!  I had to get my breakfast sandwich on a sesame bagel and I hate sesame bagels because the seeds get stuck in my teeth.  Also, the girl making my breakfast sandwich didn’t make any apologies for them not having more bagels on hand.  Apparently it was the fault of everyone before me who ordered large batches of bagels without calling ahead to alert the store of large orders.

I took my stupid sesame bagel to work.  When I got there, it became apparent right away that there was something wrong with our email/internet connections.  I called in a trouble ticket.  Then I noticed that the email connection issues were also messing with our fax server email in-box.  This was a major concern because we are in the midst of the busiest season for us…tax time.  Bankers make deposits and must fax us with the account information so we can match the deposit to the account right away and wire the funds to the insurance company with the correct account number info.  If we aren’t getting faxes, we are in huge doodoo.  I called and issued another trouble ticket then took the issue to my manager who escalated the issue up the chain.  We found out later that the server had to be rebuilt.  It took them 5 ½ hours to rebuild the server and fix the issue.

I had to run to the bank over lunch because of the stupidity of some bankers.  I had to wait in the autobank line for 25 minutes.  I got back to the office and tried to eat my lunch only to be told the server was working and faxes were coming in by the bunches.  No time off for lunch for me today.  I had to eat and work.

Things seem to have settled down now for a bit, but the day is not over yet.  I am scheduled to meet some girlfriends at a local Mexican restaurant for a birthday celebration.  I plan on enjoying a fruity margarita and some fish tacos.  Hopefully, the bad luck has turned and things will go back to normal.  I can’t celebrate too much tonight though as I have to be back at work bright and early tomorrow morning in anticipation of more faxes and deposits to all the procrastinator’s IRAs. 

I hope your day went much better than mine did.

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