Saturday, February 23, 2008

Weekend Fun...Thus Far

See that beautiful, smiling face? That is the face of a bride-to-be. Last night I spent the evening basking in her pre-marital bliss. It was her wedding shower and it was lots of fun. I used to be her youth leader another lifetime ago. The fun thing is I knew her fiance' before she did. He was a friend of mine when I used to live in Wisconsin. Their wedding will be a whole lot of fun.

Today I met my best friend from High School at the downtown convention center. Her daughter was here competing in a national dance competition. (Think "Bring it On".) It was amazing. My friend's daughter's team won 1st in their division which was exciting to see. One of the things I noticed was that most of the dance teams used classic 80's music for their routines. I guess they know good music when they hear it. Heh.

So, I spent my weekend in the presence of beautiful ladies and it was good. Check out more photos below or by clicking my Flickr badge.
This is the only team I saw in competition with a boy

This team had a healthy assortment of healthy larger girls.

This is my friend's beautiful daughter.

Here she is again. LOVE! HER!

Here is my friend and her daughter.
Just a random photo of a random dance team.
This is the all-star dance team from the same studio my friend's daughter dances with.And to end this round-up of estrogen, I leave you with a photo I took while walking back to my car after lunch. This father was teaching his son some hockey skills at a downtown rink. So cute.

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